4 Core Overall Braided Screen
100 Metre Roll - SALE
Product Code: 804.263
High quality with tinned conductors and screen plus cotton infill and durable PVC sheath. Suitable for many audio applications but they can also be used for fixed PA applications where the cable is usually installed.
4 core braided screen, 4 x 7/0.2mm, 112/0.12mm, 5.5mmØ, Grey, 100m
Colour Grey
CSA 0.20mm2
Strands 4 x 7/0.19mm2
Dimensions 5.5mmØ
Length 100m
Screen 112/0.12mmØ

Established in the early 1970s, Mercury became a recognised specialist in the aerials and telecommunications market. Over the years, Mercury has been reshaped into a brand offering a wide range of domestic electrical products and equipment. The Mercury aerial and accessories range has always been in...